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Did You Know?


1         Escalators have appeared in many movies! Some examples are given below:
















In Final Destination (2009), there is a scene where one of the main characters, Nick, has a premonition that his girlfriend Lori, will be crushed by an escalator. They avoid it in the end as Nick saves his girlfriend!

In the movie Skyfall (2012), there is a chase scene where James Bond pursues the villain Silva in the tube station, losing track of Silva momentarily after Silva slides down an escalator bannister.

2        The world's shortest escalator can be found in Japan!

This escalator can be found at More's Department Store in Kawasaki. The height of the escalator is an astonishing 83.4cm!

3        Some escalator do's and dont's



Never allow children to play on an escalator


Never transport baby carriages or luggage carts on an escalator


Neever sit on the steps, treadway or handrails


Never hesistate when exiting


Never ride barefoot



Always hold the hand of children and keep them away from the sides


Always report damages, malfunctions, unusual noises or abuse of equipment


Always stand stationary on escalators and avoid the sides


Always look at the landing plate and prepare to get off


Always keep loose clothing or jewelry away from the sides

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